DSHK 38/46 Soft Mount MG Cradle

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Product Overview

ne [1] Used, factory-made, DShK cradle mounts, imported from Europe, removed from scrapped T-72 tanks.


There is NO buffer system INSIDE the DShK machine gun itself, which [if the correct mount is not used] will results in cracked receivers, violent recoil, firing inaccuracy, etc.

If the Commies could have built a simple one piece mount, they would have.

NO after-market reproductions have this buffer system!

Spring-loaded front & rear mounting plates and hand crank elevation device.

To modify for U.S. 50 Cal. Machine Gun tripods, simply cut-Off the "ears" off an original Pintle and weld on an American/NATO Tapered Pintle.

These mounts will need to be repainted and expect possible missing small parts (pin, clasp, handle, bracket, screw, etc.).

We also have removed the scope/optic box because most of them were damaged.